Proof of paternity in Bosques
Bosques, as we are seeing, many students are willing to take care of a baby robot or carry a belly filled with rice. The question is:...
Stephen Hawking and his theory of the "Perfect Penalty" and other football contributions
The British physicist, who died last Wednesday at the age of 76, detailed a theory about something that seems very stressful to many...
10 Facts About Animals.
Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the male ostriches can roar like lions. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Kangaroos use...
9 Crazy Things People Found Inside Their Walls
Babies In 1850, a mummified baby tumbled out from between the walls of a Parisian apartment. The couple living in the apartment were...
Did You Know?
1 It is illegal to own only one guinea pig or parrot in Switzerland. Because both species are highly social, keeping them isolated denies...
Do yu no de wey?
Ugandan Knuckles is the nickname given to a depiction of the character Knuckles from the Sonic franchise. The weird version of Knuckles...
Teaching, calling or necessity?
It is well known that some teachers in middle schools or in high schools didn’t study for being teachers, they studied carriers like...
Movimiento Naranja
This year in many parts of the country the elections will be held for different positions in the government, many political parties are...
[Comic] No Light Without Darkness pt.1
#Comic #Nolightwithoutdarkness
The Parcial
#Comic #Cartoons