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Mexican Cosmonaut

Juan Alberto Guevara Jaramillo is a Mexican who now is a cosmonaut candidate at the Russian Federal Space Agency named Roscosmos.

He is graduate of the Faculty of Electronic Sciences from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). And he has PhD in Monotechnical and Biomedical Physics from the Moscow State University. In his career he has had a long list of awards like the State Prize for Science and Technology twice, the first one in 2004 and the second one he won in 2007, 48 national places in competitions of robotics and mechatronics, and 26 first international places.

He has worked as a professor of Biomedicine, Applied Electronics, Bioelectronics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Aeronautics in higher and postgraduate levels, in Moscow, Russia.

He is really brilliant, he was the second student in his faculty to finish his career in only three years.

Juan Alberto is now the director of the Russian-Mexican Scientific Expedition that takes place in Mexico, since 2009, and he is also "dean tutor" of robotics at International Research School since 2008 in Russia.

The work that he is a candidate is the adaptations of robots that were sent to Mars and the Moon. But this is nothing easy; he was rejected seven times before.

In the last two years he has done 99 tests out of a total of 160 on general knowledge in engineering, electronics, aeronautics and other areas; as well as physical tests of resistance, balance, dexterity and ability to survive through activities such as parachuting, diving and swimming in the open sea.

Ingeniero mexicano podría ser un cosmonauta ruso. (2018). Retrieved from

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