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Teaching, calling or necessity?

It is well known that some teachers in middle schools or in high schools didn’t study for being teachers, they studied carriers like engineer, chemistry, marketing, etc. So, how well do we know our teachers?

Interview to CB teacher Elizabeth Zaragoza

-What carrier did you study?

I studied Business administration

-Where did you studied?

At Tecnológico Regional de Morelia

-At what age did you start giving classes?

At the age of 17 years

-Why did you start teaching?

Because of necessity and family tradition (everyone in my family teaches)

-Why after all this years you are still giving classes?

Because now its not just a necessity, it became a calling and something that I really enjoy

-What are your profesional plans for the future?

I will continue giving classes till the end of my life.

Stadistics show us that 70% of teachers in CB High School didn´t study for being teachers but they started giving classes for necessity. However most of them agree that teaching gives them life, young energy is really great, they love teaching and no matter if you do it for necessity or for carrier it will always be a calling and a pleasure.

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