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Black Friday

What is it?

the day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. This day used to be a non-official day of the start of holiday shopping season but later it started to be an official day. It’s November’s fourth Friday, therefore, the date always changes; this year’s Black Friday will be November 24th.

Almost every store offers plenty of sales and discounts with early specials to attract consumers to their shops. People stand in line for hours before the stores are even open to grab the bargains of the year, and some camp outside of the store, (altough not every store promotes this activity).

And now you might wonder,

why is it called Black Friday?

It was called Black Friday because most of the population that went out to shop caused traffic accidents and some violent acts.

Every Black Friday, there are always accidents, even mortal accidents. People walk over people and kids that fall because of the raging crowds, all because of their desperation to get what they want.

What should we do to prevent this?

If you don’t want to make a line and wait for hours, but you want to take an offer, there is Cyber Monday, which is the Monday after Black Friday. The difference is that you only can buy online and there is a limited quantity of products. I really recommend Cyber Monday because it’s safer and you can buy anything without pressure.

So…., are you ready for the Black Friday?

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