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Graduation Quotes

As many people know and have seen in the VIP room that when a generation graduates they leave a quote and their picture, but as I was searching quotes i came to find some funny ones and maybe you find inspiration for yours , so here are some of them:

“should have burn this place down when I had the chance”

“3 out of 5 stars and would not recommend”

“ high school is as easy as riding a bike, but the bike is on fire, the ground is on fire, everything is on fire because you are in hell”

“cheaters never win, but I just graduated”

“Hannah Montana says nobody's perfect, but here I am”

“I want to thank google, Wikipedia, and whoever invented copy and paste. tanke you”

“this wasn’t like high school musical at all”

“always be yourself unless you suck. Then pretend you are someone else”

“if idiots could fly this school would be an airport”

“I spent 113,800 of my life just to receive a piece of paper and a hand shake”

Fuision year boock. (2015). funny year boock quotes. 25/01/2018, de Freageal web site:

Smosh. (2014). best quotes. 25/01/2018, From freelance Web site:

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