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The history behind Battlefield One

The videogame Battlefield 1 is a game based in characters that fought in different countries in the first world war. The game contains missions where you’re driving tanks, attacking on a plane, battles in the deserts and the cities.

The First World War background in the game is based in true places and events during that war. For example, the air battle over Germany in 1918; it was a real battle between the royal air force of Britain and the German air force from the German Empire. It was important because if the Royal air force lost that battle the German planes and bombers would have attacked London. In the mission you ride a plane in the Royal air force to battle the Germans over Britain.

Other background that was added in the game and was real was the battle of Gallipoli, the peninsula where a big group of British ships got sunk by a big attack of the Ottoman Empire. In that attack it was supposed that the British Ships would pass the peninsula to go with the Russians, but the ships were ambushed by the Ottoman Empire. You’re an Australian helping the British during the battle of Gallipoli to escape.

Other was the battle of tanks in Belgium, where big and low tanks from Britain were attacking and finishing the German forces and forcing them to retreat into Germany, in that battle the Germans had tanks, but the British had more to win. This was one of the last counterattacks of the British to take the Germans out of Belgium. You participate as a member of a tank squad (4 men riding the tank) against the Germans in a destroyed village nearby.

Then was also the battles of guerrilla in the Middle East, with the Arab tribes and a British officer called “Lawrence of Arabia”, who helped these tribes to join and fight against the Ottoman Empire. Those battles decided the fate of the country now known as Saudi Arabia, in the mission you’re Lawrence of Arabia fighting against the Ottomans in the desert.

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