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Bosques in MUNs

Since several years ago,Colegios Bosques has participated in several MUNs, as well as organizing its own: CBMUN. This is an event that is held once a year in each school, in which topics related to the UN are discussed, with delegates from both the hosting school and invitd from other institutions. It is a unique experience that makes people seek solutions and analyze issues of problems that are being lived around the world.

Bosques has participated in and invited delegates from JFK, Instituto Thomas Jefferson, Carol Baur, Alamos, Fontanar, Sparta and UDLAP. Bosques has been of great importance in these events since despite having few wins, its delegates always give their best effort and increase their level more and more. This event helps to improve both spoken and written English of the participants.

Some students give us their opinion about the CBMUN:

It is a good activity because they make us investigate problems that are happening in the world, but they should make it less tedious so that the students have more interest in the event. The event would have more participation and better results. - Andrea Pegueros.

"It's not a bad idea, however, they give a lot of importance to it., I like that it is directed by students. They help us to know in what situation the world is because they are problems that are real." - Juan Pablo Carvajal

"It is an activity that is good, but at the same time takes away time because it is not optional; and many students are not interested in participating in this activity and only use it to waste time and classes." - Andrea Beristain

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