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Paramedical Bosques Brigade

Many accidents have occurred throughout the first part of the school year in the High School section. From sprains to stunning falls.

All the above has begun since sports classes were implemented in this section of the school; it is not the fault of the sports classes, which were incorporated by been considered health and by students’ requests. It's a fact that you must not wait so long to deal with these types of accidents and treat the injuries correctly, because if they are treated incorrectly, it can cause more serious results in the wound.

Recently, in view of the recent accidents, during the month of July, two students from our high school that have graduated as certified paramedics by E.M.A (Enlace Médico de Asistencia), have decided to form a paramedic brigade within the school, to look for the welfare of the rest of the school.

The High School Principal Jonny Miranda authorized the brigade recently, not only fulfilling the dream of these students, but also offering the school a better opportunity for protection and instant medical attention.

This recent brigade was founded by Juan Pablo Carvajal and Kathya Rivas Alvarez, of the Fifth Semester of High School in addition to some recent recruits.

We hope that this brigade will be a new opportunity for all and they hope for your support to make their work more effective.

The brigade is expecting more recruits so when they graduate, they leave prepared people to keep this brigade for the following years.

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