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Godparents Reunited With Their Godsons

In Colegio Bosques elementary school there's a tradition: the students of 1st grade are assigned to the students of 6th grade as godparents, for them to guide and help them through their first year of school. They have lots of activities for them to know each other and become friends. This activity helps the elementary seniors to become more responsible and help the 1st graders adapt to the new environments.

Now 6 years later these students are reunited after all those years, the children are in 7th grade and the godparents are seniors just about to take a huge step and leave for college.

We asked some questions to the godparents and the godsons about how they felt when they saw each other after all these years. This is what they told us:

•How do you feel after seeing your child after six years?

•How do you feel after seeing your godfather/mother after all these years?

Stefano Guerrero 5a high school

(Bosques arcos)

"It feels cute"

July Palominos (Stefano)

"It feels weird, but in a good way.

Andrea Quezada

(Bosques arcos)

"I feel nostalgic because when I met her when she was so little."

Paola Medina (Andrea)

"It feels good! She's different now, she's a grownup."

José Luis Consuelo

(Bosques arcos)

"I feel exited to see if they have changed."

Emiliano Cervantes (Jose Luis)

"It feels good! I was really close with him and it's still the same between us."

Sofia Ruvalcaba

(Bosques arcos )

"It feels really nice because you see them all grown up and they're really cute."

María José Castañeda (Sofia Ruvalcaba)

"It feels exiting because I haven't seen her in a long time."

This is experience is a clear example that friendship can be forever and that you're always going to have someone to count on.

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